Thursday, May 3, 2018

Parallel universes

I read in the news that shortly before he died, the renowned scientist Stephen Hawking (author of, among others,  A Brief History of Time and The Theory of Everything) assisted by another scientist finished a scientific paper. 
The treatise of the paper, simply put, was that parallel universes similar to our own exist.* 
If universes parallel to our own do exist, is there a way we can go from one universe to another? Are there versions of us in those universes?
Could we, perhaps while in one of our dream states, have done astral travel to a parallel universe?
It's too bad that the great Stephen Hawking has passed on.  But knowing our very own human capacity for intelligence and imagination, I am sure there are others continuing Hawking's work. And maybe someday we will find ourselves able to travel at will from one parallel universe to another.

Posted with Aloha