Saturday, January 5, 2013

Mindshake for Earthsake

I recently read about  a neuro-scientist who made a direct correlation between mental health and the health of planet earth.  Far out? Nope. Not really.

According to Harvard-trained Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, there are similarities in how, on one hand,  we  improve our mental health and, on the other hand, how we can make earth a better place to thrive in.

The right hemisphere of our brain, which accounts for our creativity, is also responsible for enabling us to realize our similarities as humans and the larger picture of our connection with nature.

On the other hand, the brain's left hemisphere, which focuses more on details, reasoning, logic and critical judgment, is responsible for fear and hate, and our preferences and prejudices.

By being conscious of the interplay between  the two brain hemispheres we can make "better" decisions on how we see our reality and our world.

 We don't have to be on auto-pilot in the way we react to what are going on in and around us and allowing one side of our brain to prevail over the other. We don't have to run around shooting from the hips or at each other.

Think about it. Knowing how one side of our brain can tend to dominate the other, we can temper how we think and, as an outcome, end if not significantly reduce  poverty of the body, mind and spirit. 

We can put a stop to conflicts of both the armed and low-intensity types.

Politicians can stop filibustering and instead work  harmoniously, deliberately and selflessly for the overall good, with or without pay raises. 

We can actually direct the way we, as humans, continue to evolve (we've supposedly gone a long way from the caveman). And hopefully, we can even ensure  the viability of planet earth's existence, not to mention restore the integrity of our political and societal systems. Wow!

In short, we need to "shake our minds"  for our  own and earth's sake.

And still if that doesn't work, a lobotomy just might.

Illustration  by thegirlwithkaleidoscopeeyes on

- Ariel Murphy (with credit to Peter Haberly for "earthsake.")