Monday, February 25, 2013

At the Oscar's

A friend had a small Oscar Awards Night party at her house last night. Wine  flowed and hor d'oeuvres were plenty. I noticed while watching the Oscar ceremonies that most male winners who took the mike thanked their respective wives by name. 
When the nominees for best actress were called, a footage of the movie The Silver Linings Playbook was shown. In the film segment,  winner Jennifer Lawrence displayed her thespian abilities as Tiffany, the main female character of the movie. 
Just as Tiffany was vehemently spewing out.... "You know what? Forget I offered to help you. Forget the entire fucking idea. Because that must have been fucking crazy, because I'm so much crazier than you! I'm just the crazy slut with a dead husband...," the rather extremely inebriated hostess of the party who was laying on the couch suddenly grabbed me towards her.  Before I even realized what was going on, I felt her quickly put her hands up under my shirt and started fondling my front. 
Startled, I  gently extricated myself from the hostess' tight grip just in time to see Best Picture Director Ben Affleck making his acceptance speech and thanking  his wife for working on their marriage.
Popcorn anyone?
Jennifer Lawrence in The Silver Linings Playbook. Source:
- Ariel Murphy