Friday, February 22, 2013

Love Month Series #13: Making Love

An explosion of blinding white light
  Yet a bottomless darkness of the unknown
A gazillion meteors crazily racing across the universe
 Yet a dappled doe statue-like listening and waiting
Time gone haywire spiraling back to its beginning
 Yet the here-and-now
A grove of bamboo gracefully yielding to the breeze
Yet the Ohia tree, deeply rooted and hardy
The sweet sonata from  a lone violin
Yet the relentless thunder of a Taiko drum
Raging fire yet searing ice
A tear drop amidst a soft shower of rose petals 
 as incense wafts fragrant offerings 
on the altar of both the human and the divine

Making love is not  just a fusion of sex  organs; but  a precious conversation going on between each other's pulses. It is a  sweet nameless harmony of surrender and acceptance -- a flash of brilliant lightning in experiencing the other's totality and in offering your own.

The eyes see.  The tongue tastes. The skin feels. And the spirit senses. In lust and in love, sexual intercourse is a wonderful celebration of oneness with both seen and unseen.

- Ariel Murphy 


  1. Very Nice! The photo is a perfect match for the poem.

  2. "la petite mort" - I believe you've captured it perfectly..."a precious conversation going on between each other's pulses. It is a sweet nameless harmony of surrender and acceptance -- a flash of brilliant lightning in experiencing the other's totality."
    Amazing stuff, Ariel. Truly, the beautiful work of a gifted mind.

    1. You're very kind and encouraging Paul. Mahalo nui loa!
