Sunday, March 17, 2013

Gallery: Photography by Bosso Baron II

Ariel's Note:  Bosso Baron II  is a photographer from the Philippines.  His brother gifted him with a Nikon back in the 1980s. That marked the beginning of Joel D Yonzon’s (also known as Bosso Baron II) entry into the world of photography. He then joined the Asian Institute of Photojournalists (AIJ) to hone his photography skills. His early photos were mostly in black and white, indicative of the influence of his favorite photographer, Ansel Adams. His first photo, a BW entry from the Taal Volcano on-the-spot photo contest hosted by AIJ, won first prize. He has won since then several photo contests and was eventually awarded a silver trophy for Best in Photography by AIJ.

After a 15-year break from photography, Bosso returned to his passion about 5 years ago and explored the digital world of photography.  He dabbled in HDR and Photoshop, which he used to give his photos a “painting-like” effect, or what is called by many as "paintography." His style and  choice of subjects reveal the strong influence of his father, the late painter Hugo C. Yonzon, Jr. One quality that characterizes his photos is that he is able to bring life to mundane or depressing scenes, and share these in an entirely new and exciting perspective.

Click on the link below for more of Bosso Baron's photos.


    1. Replies
      1. Danke Hanspi for complementing Bosso Baron as a great photographer. I am honored.

      2. I meant complimenting not complementing. sheeez!

    2. Spectacular! I love the way he uses color in the composition of his pictures

    3. Very good work! - very imaginative and I agree with Paul, love the work with colors...

    4. I like how he transformed his photos into "paintography."
