Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Gallery: Photography of Willie Colozo

Today, I'm featuring the work of Willie Colozo.  I found by accident a photo that Willie had posted on Facebook and contacted him. I asked to see more of his work and requested permission to use them in my blog. Some of the photos were taken in the Philippines and others in Canada.  Please enjoy his photos.

Willie's Note: I was born and raised in Manila, Philippines but have been living  in Toronto, Canada for 25 years now. I started getting into serious digital photography 3 1/2 years ago while recovering  from a surgery. I found photography to be a perfect match for my daily outdoor walks with my camera, which I call my Third Eye, as my constant companion. Self-taught, I am still learning the art of photography.  I have  academic degrees in Political Science and Urban Planning but my other passion, aside from photography,  is ballroom dancing.


  1. Beautiful images! He has a way with water, doesn't he? What a fortuitous 'accident' that you discovered this photographer.

    1. You never know what the universe will send your way Paul! So be prepared to be amazed. La vita e bella!

    2. la vita è bella infatti, Ariel! You amaze me every day

    3. Why thank you Paul. You're very kind. I hope that you're feeling way better. But don't get the cold or the flu get in the way of your enjoyment of life and the pursuit of your passions.

  2. Loved the photos - curious about the candles - do you know anything about that picture?

    1. I can only speculate Pete. I think Willie might have take that photo of candles during a trip to the Philippines. He might have visited one of the hundreds of churches in the predominantly Catholic country. In a church there is usually a stand with numerous candles. The idea is to light up one while saying a prayer.
