Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Mayon Volcano - Perfectly Formed

Mayon Volcano is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire.  It is located in the province of Albay, Philippines.

According to Philippine folkore, Mayon arose from the gravesite of two ill-fated lovers who were killed by a spurned rival. Legend has it that the lovers sing to each other whenever the volcano erupts.

Mayon has erupted about 40 times within the last 400 years. Its most recent eruption was in 2009.

Famous for its symmetrical cone, Mayon is considered as the world's most perfectly formed volcano.  The photos below show Mayon's majesty.

Photo by Ian Varona

The structure on the right is the belfry tower of Cagsawa Church which was buried by an eruption of Mayon Volcano

Photo by Tryfon Topalidis 
Source: Flickr

Photo by Dacel Andes

Link to  a short video  (amateur) showing Mayon Volcano:

- Ariel Murphy


  1. Thanks, Ariel! Have you been to Mayon Volcano? In two pictures, the mountain is reflected in bodies of you know what they are?

    1. Oh yes I've been to Mayon Volcano Paul. There's a spot near its base called "Tiwi Hot Spring." You can't bathe in it but you can dip fresh egg into it and it will come out hard boiled. The sulphuric stench is very strong in that place. I don't know what the bodies of water are near the volcano but I can research on it and let you know.

    2. Aloha, Ariel! I did a cursory Google search this morning and found nothing. The reflections in the water DO make for stunning images! I'm sure, with your superior internet skills, you'll have no trouble answering my questions!

    3. Paul, according to a friend who is familiar with the area, the bodies of water near Mayon Volcano are the Albay Gulf and the Pacific Ocean.

    4. Salamat, Ariel! It's very beautiful...a place I'd like to visit sometime before I die!

  2. Great pictures and background story - Thanks !

  3. I want to go to the Philippines and see Mayon Volcano.
