Friday, March 22, 2013

Romancing the Space

The space between us is like a long soft silk scarf as red as a  Kona sunset.  Sometimes it is white and glittering as snow. Sometimes it is the hue of a clearly defined Hawaiian rainbow.  You can lose yourself in bliss when it is pitch black. 
The silk scarf  is slowly swirling  around you. It lightly caresses your skin from the top of your head to your eyes, nose, lips and  down to the very tip of your every toe.  
Choose the color of your scarf. Feel it drift all over you. 
And enjoy your space.
- Ariel Murphy


  1. I choose Chameleon for my scarf, changing every minute of every day.

  2. Each word carefully chosen, scrutinized, polished, and perfectly placed. Beautiful, Ariel!
