Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Wish You were Here

I rarely see admission of  vulnerability in social networks so I thought I'd dare make one.  While listening last night to a particular song in  Pandora,  I wistfully thought of those in my life who have come and gone and of the impact they've had on me.  Some  of them gave me love. Some made me sad.
"It's all good," my late husband  Michael used to say.
And it is.
Here's a link to "Wish You Were Here."

Photo by Picou Rivedroite
- Ariel Murphy


  1. A simple but exact blog, Ariel Murphy. Nice.

  2. What an evocative song and video!! Your wistful yearning is palpable, Ariel.

  3. Re: What's the point of hiding yearning - My motto too - nothing to hide since '45 ... I used to have a soul sister who would say to me "You tell people too much about yourself too soon" I said, what's the point of that? Take me for all I am or not at all - Life is too short to wait for anything. The video was a little haunting for me having been close to death so many times though.

    1. Life is too short to wait for anything. haha! How very true Pete, especially at our age! Must make the most of time left. And yep. "Take me for all I am or not at all." That's how I would apply it to others too. Thanks for your comment!
