Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A New Day

Reality is that life, as I know it, is but a dream or sometimes even a nightmare. When I choose my reality, as you do yours, miracles can happen.  At the blink of an eye, our world is transformed. Our spirit is refresned. And our entire  being  resonates with the universe's Om.

Today my reality is the beauty of seeing fellow creatures -- a lizard and a flower -- drawn to each other and decided on enjoying the  new day's softly emerging sun.
Gecko on an Anthurium in my garden. Photo by Ariel Murphy

- Ariel Murphy


  1. My only pet now is my Anthurium which brightens my every day.

    1. If you want more pets, I have plenty of anthuriums in my garden. Thanks for your comment Pete

  2. Your blog this morning brought to mind a phrase I heard David Duchovny use in an interview: "Sometimes I think that the dream is reality and life is the simulacrum." That was the first time in my life I had heard the word 'simulacrum', and it sounded so perfect in its use, but I didn't know what it meant so, wordsmith that I am, I had to look it up! Thanks for refreshing my spirit, and giving me a reason to ponder the simulacrum of our existence, Ariel!

    1. Didn't know the word either so I looked it up and "simulacrum" appropriately describes "life" or "reality." We all need to be refreshed every now and then. And it's another choice. Thanks for your comment Paul!
