Saturday, April 13, 2013

No Fear : A Guest Blog by Travis and Lisa Barros

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.

Living powerfully is living without fear. Many say that fear is false evidence appearing real. But in truth, fear is the power that you've given away to others, circumstance or situations, and to things outside of you. The less fear you have, the more love you will express naturally!

Today, allow the love within you to freely flow into the things that you're afraid of.

What is love to you? Whatever that is, express that into what you are afraid of.

Have a PowerSoul day!
Photo by Jason Ruth
Ariel's Note:  Travis and Lisa Barros live in Hawaii. They have been together since the age of 17. Their life's journey has led them through spirituality, ministry and pastoring, and now into life coaching. Together, they've created a life-transforming program called PowerSoul, which leads you out of fear, into love!
 Here's a link to their website:
- Ariel Murphy

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Ariel! What a timely message! Something to lift my spirit, and strengthen my heart!
