Friday, April 26, 2013

The Bottom Line

Sometimes a conversation may seem like two parallel lines that do not meet. 
I get frustrated when I am not understood and it seems that communication is not taking place. 
But if I  bother to listen closely I realize that the other person draws  from his/her background, experiences and belief systems  which are different from mine  and make his/her response seemingly superficial or out of context or just plain irrelevant. 
Wisdom replaces disappointment when I go past words and  look to the heart and there I see what is at the bottom line.

- Ariel Murphy


  1. If I say the word's "Black Cat". It means the same to most people, however, in there mind they see something totally different then me. My "black cat" might have green eye's curled up on the couch and they see one with his back raised hissing.... It has the same meaning, but from a different memory. Different association. We must know one another to communicate effectively. Only time allows "good" communication. Be patient. We are all the same, yet different. We are all Unique. To be Wise to this is Priceless. Wisdom is not what we are born with, it is what we learn as we grow. Thank you LIFE!

  2. This brings things back into perspective for me. Exactly what I needed to read this morning.

    1. The universe works in mysterious and subtle ways to meet our needs according to how we manifest them. Thanks for your comment Ray!

  3. How perfectly this speaks to me today! Thanks, Ariel!!

    1. I'm amazed at how the universe manifests exactly what we need when we need them most. I've been thinking pretty much over the last few days about a situation along what Deepak Chopra said and lo and behold I saw his quote last night. The quote perfectly described what I was thinking about and so I decided to blog about it.

      Thanks for your comment Paul!

  4. Butha.... Ariel, there is quality and value in everything, everyone and everywhere.... if you care! Listen, learn, fall in love with the moment that just a while a go was in your future... Your dream!!! You are worth it and so is the other!

    1. Always Vitalis! Always! Thanks for your comment!
