Friday, May 3, 2013


I nearly took my clothes off one evening inside a car at a dark parking lot.  I found myself  "making out" with somebody  who could easily hypnotize a woman's undies off with his Cobra stare. 

The kiss felt like falling into a bottomless well.  I was increasingly discombobulated.   I recognized that to disrobe  in that particular situation  was to dishonor my higher self. I extricated myself as my hand reached for the handle of the car door.

The faint scent of night-blooming Jasmine wafted from out of nowhere as I stepped out of the car. I latched on to the fragrance like a drowning man thrown a life-line and inhaled deeply,  imagining the sweetness  infusing every cell in my body

Later,  I smiled  at the thought that I almost settled for a Coke  when I could instead have Ambrosia.

- Ariel Murphy


  1. Bravo! Yes, we always have a choice, and I Love the smell of sweet Jasmine.

  2. (Fanning myself nervously) Oh, my!! What an audacious and bodacious post, Ariel! I particularly like the quote in your of the mantras I meditate on. And WHAT a meditation this blog inspired!
    At first blush, I thought..."Well, duh! Why have a body, if we don't use it to experience all the things spirits can't?" And then I reconsidered. The tawdry cheapness of fevered gropes and stolen kisses was washed away by the overwhelming sensual experience of discombobulated hormones and heavenly scents. Oh! To be as self-aware, and self-affirming as you! When the gods share their ambrosia, and the nectar flows - you're there with your chalice!

    1. What a poetic comment Paul! Please stop fanning yourself! lol!

  3. Wonderful thoughts, words & graphic, Ariel - Oh, the kindness and fragrance of Free Will and Choice !

    1. Free Will could be a boon or a bane Peter! Thanks for your comment!

  4. Respect to you, and for you Ariel.!!!
