Tuesday, May 28, 2013

How We Spend Our Time


Meanwhile, as politicians continue damning themselves, the money men similarly continue squeezing the people and wracking Planet Earth for more profit.
And amidst the cacophony and confusion at the end of a day's work, the head of a family looks at his/her brood and then at his/her pay check and asks with a yet-imperceptible voice:
"What are we doing? Where are we going?"

- Ariel Murphy


  1. Give up on the left vs. right paradigm, it is exhausting you're positive attributes.

    1. I am neither of the "left" nor of the "right." I am for respect and love.

  2. Yea, What are they doing? Sad...

  3. We cannot ignore what is going on in Congress. It affects our lives VERY directly and the lives of millions of people here and around the world. Sticking our heads in the sand only enables their abuse of power.
