Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Just Being There

We deal with our pain  in many different ways. Some attempt escape literally and figuratively.  Alcohol is a well-known refuge. Stores are the favorite destination for whom "retail therapy" works best.  Food is mistakenly thought of as satisfying for a different kind of hunger. Others lose themselves in crowds.  partying as if the gaiety would last longer than only momentarily.

I tend to deal with a storm's onslaught alone.  When I am in the dumps, I  hunker down at home and go for days not seeing or talking to anyone. I simply embrace my pain.

My good friend "F," on the other hand,  likes to vent. She was visibly distressed when she visited me at my office yesterday.  Feeling my friend's pain as I listened to her story, I was  moved to give her a hug and stroke her hair.  I told her non-verbally that I love her even if it seemed that others did not.

I was anxious to go home so I can write my blog but "F" wanted distraction and asked me to see a movie with her. I thought that her need for company was more important than getting my writing done and went with her even if the film was not what I preferred to watch.

The movie ended close to midnight. As "F" and I went to our respective vehicles, I said something about  compassion, forgiveness and acceptance. I told her to try to have peace and get some sleep.

"Tomorrow will be a better day," I assured her knowing from experience that even if it might take more than one "tomorrow," it always turns out a better day.

I drove home a bit anxious about what to post for my blog. But I was glad to have been there  for my friend.

- Ariel Murphy


  1. Excellent, Ariel - You inspire so many others!

    1. Said like a true knight! Thank you Sir Peter! Have an awesome day!

  2. I Love your blog's. You do inspire so many others. Thank You.

    1. Thank you +Gay Lynn! And you inspire others too by your strength, endurance, and zest for life! Love you!

  3. Your words are powerful, yet delicate and sensitive. Your compassion gives you such a huge heart, for all the world! Getting love is love is exhilarating!! Your energy will know no bounds. Namaste

    1. Namaste and much love to you Sir Paul! Mahalo much!
