Sunday, May 26, 2013

Remembering MIchael

I will always remember the day I "played God."  Michael and I had flown to Honolulu from the Big Island of Hawaii.  After we landed we boarded a bus that will take us to our destination close to the end of the bus' route. We were the first passengers.

Typical in all of Honolulu's public buses is a mechanized slot near the driver's seat. One either hands a pre-paid pass to the driver or inserts  dollar bills into the slot.

Somehow,  I managed to jam the slot's mechanism when I inserted my bills. The driver, Michael and I did our best to make the mechanism work as the bus moved on and picked up passengers. The bus driver had a lot of hope.

Alas, the mechanism just would not cooperate. Frustrated passengers tried to hand their money to the driver who refused to accept them.  He said he would be  violating office policy if he took money.

From the airport to where Michael and I got off the bus near the end of the bus' destination, every passenger who got on the bus rode for free.

Michael kept smiling throughout the ride even as the bus driver kept throwing looks my way that clearly showed the consternation on his face. 

As soon as we got off the bus, Michael finally burst out laughing. With a twinkle in his eye, he said: "You blessed a lot of people, today."

He chose to look at things that way.

Michael M. Murphy III
(June 28, 1944 - May 26, 2006)

- Ariel Murphy


  1. What a wonderful man he must have been. What a blessing you got to know him.

    1. Yes, I was indeed blessed and in many ways: in knowing him; in knowing myself better and in finding wisdom about the things that truly matter. Michael was true to his name, an archangel.

      Thank you Carrie for your comment. My aloha to you!

  2. That was a Beautiful Story Ariel. Thanks for sharing. You were blessed to have him in your life.

  3. Rarely, I ride the buss. When I do, I always ask for a transfer.

    When I know the transfer will expire before I can use it, after getting off the buss, I had the transfer to someone getting on a buss.

    smiles all around!

  4. There's a miracle everywhere you go, Ariel! Sometimes life can fall between your arms and there's nothing you can do about it but watch with twinkling eyes. What a gift for you to remember Michael's twinkling eyes, sunny outlook, and gentle laugh. And thank you for sharing that gift with us!

    1. Thanks Paul. I agree. Michael was a gift to me.

  5. Thank you for sharing your wonderful story. Michael was one who remain in alignment most of the time, I can feel his energy from his pic.and your description of him. Your story open up more in me, thank you again for sharing your memory of a wonderful human being.

  6. I can see the twinkle in his eye - wonderful sentiments, Ariel on this special day - Aloha nui loa !

  7. What a wonderful way to memorialize Michael's life and memory, by sharing YOUR experience with HIS special view of life, Ariel! In the years since his passing, I'm sure you've heard Michael's voice tell you many times..."You blessed a lot of people, today!"

    1. Nothing ever happens by accident Paul. Some things were just meant to be, including learning to bless people on a daily basis. Thank you, Anam Cara!

  8. Great picture and great story Ariel. You were both blessed with your time together.

  9. god blessing on u Ariel.. im missing my paul so much.. god has great plans for my paul , myself and my 2 wonder children..xoxo aloha
