Thursday, June 20, 2013

Gallery: Photography of Dieter Besier

Social networks are a veritable gold mine. For me an important find are nuggets of beauty as seen from the eyes of another. Today, I am honored to share with you the photography of Dieter Besier, a Google+ friend.


Here's what Dieter Besier says of himself: "I love to play with words and pictures. With them I plunge into the tension of life to get an amazing energy out of it. I try to replace the cause-effect view of life with an associative perception.

Photography is a creative game for me to capture poetic moments and to connect them with words.

I used to live and work as a Protestant pastor in Berlin, which for me is an  exciting place that is full of power and spirit.  

Now I live at the Baltic coast. I enjoy the freedom of life and the beauty of nature. The sea, wind and the wide landscape and also my Berlin experiences give me inspiration for writing, photography, meditation and spirituality -- all of which are of utmost importance to me."
 - Ariel Murphy 


  1. Excellent eye for photography & thought :-) Thanks, Ariel...

  2. Soothing...contemplative...meditative. I'm especially fond of the misty trees perfectly depitcts the state of my mind this morning! Thanks for sharing this beauty, Ariel
