Saturday, June 29, 2013

Like a Sweet Kiss

I thought that yesterday was going to be just another day.  But things turned out differently.
As I buckled down to work on my real estate transactions, a friend phoned and invited me to go to the warm pond in Kapoho, which is about 15 minutes from my house on the east side of the Big Island of Hawaii.
Officially called the Ahalanui State Park, the warm pond is  a giant outdoor hot tub.  It is spring-fed volcanically heated water that is sometimes at a therapeutic 90 degrees. The water never gets too hot. At one end of the pond is an inlet which brings in salt water from the Pacific Ocean.

Fringing the pond are tall palm trees through which, during some nights, a full moon weaves magic  on the softly rippling water.

There are grassy areas, picnic tables, barbecue grills and an out-door shower.

The place  was one of my late husband's favorite spots on the Big Island of Hawaii. Michael and I used to go there every afternoon to swim and picnic. Sometimes, Michael would do yoga on the grass and stand on his head. Other times, we would just watch how the light played with the trees and the water. We soaked in all the good energies everywhere.

I made sure, after Michael passed on, to scatter some of his  ashes on the ocean.  Michael's ashes also rested for eternity on the grassy patch where  he used to practice yoga.

Yesterday as I was preparing to spend another work day, a friend invited me to a picnic at the warm pond. I surprised myself in quickly taking on the invitation without any second thought.

Later, I thought it a poignant kismet to be at the Warm Pond enjoying a sunny, feel-good and peaceful afternoon on Michael's very birthday.

It was like a really  sweet kiss from everyone and everything.





- Ariel Murphy


  1. What a beautiful remembrance, Ariel - synchronicity! - absolutely beautiful place - am anxious to get there one of these days !

    1. Synchronicity it was Peter! Yep one day you'll get to the Warm Ponds. Thank you for your comment. Appreciate it! Long live Camelot! wooohoooo!

  2. What a lovely, loving experience for a messenger of love! I like to say I live 15 minutes from Nirvana, and I drive through Paradise to get there! You express yourself so beautifully in this blog, gladdens my heart to read it. The 'warm ponds' are indeed rejuvenating and restoring

    1. The warm ponds are rejuvenating, restoring and refreshing in many ways Paul. Thanks for your comment!

  3. I have been there 1x... I want to go again. We must put that on our list of things to share. Thank you for posting. I had all but forgotten about that place...

    And on Michaels Birthday... No accident. So Glad you shared this with us.

    Beautiful Pictures to.

    1. Nope not an accident Gay! It was synchronicity!

  4. A beautiful day with a beautiful lady and beautiful memories. Synchronicity.

    1. Absolutely Redman! Synchronicity! I am in gratitude. Thanks very much!
