Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Treat

Yesterday, as hurricane Flossie landed on the Big Island of Hawaii,   electricity to my house was cut off. Brittle branches of Albizia trees thought it a good time to fall in love with electric wires in my neighborhood.

Frustrated with my dead phone, dark house, and unresponsive computer, I sought refuge at a friend's house, which was  spared from power interruption.

As Flossie alternately whined and bellowed, my friend and I sat down and played scrabble all the while challenging and ribbing each other.

The good company, the merlot I was sipping and  music I was listening to made that time one of the most enjoyable I've had in a while. Good energies there!

I arranged the letters on the scrabble board  of a word I had in mind.   At first I didn't realize the significance of my move. And then I smiled.

Outside, Flossie played passive-aggressive.  And there I was having a good time. 

The Universe made sure that I was conscious of its humor. 

What a wonderful treat! 

I was grateful.

Here's the word I had formed on the scrabble board:

Links to music I listened to:   (David Lanz's Cristofori's Dream)   (Astro's Mezz Bar Blue)

- Ariel Murphy 


  1. 'some would curse the darkness...some would light a candle' what a perfect example of how we write our own reality! What a treat that you shared the light that is 'You' with a friend, in the face of the unknown! AND that you blessed the Universe for giving you the chance to do so!

    1. Our collective consciousness is the Universe! Sometimes we don't realize how we bless each other! Thank you Paul! Love you!

  2. Now THAT is how you ride out a "Storm". Humor. Love this Ariel. A True Metaphor for Life!

    1. Yep! Ride out a "storm" by looking for the "gifts" and "treats." Life! Love ou too Gay Lynn! Please let me know way in advance when you're coming my way!!!

  3. The Universe gives us daily, if not minute by minute "tricks" & "treats" doesn't it? Thanks for ALL your treats too, Ariel :-)

    1. And thank you for your gift of friendship, chivalry and the many bits of information you share with the world, Sir Peter!

  4. "come on she said, I'll give ya shelter from the storm" - Sounds like you found an ideal way to deal with the adversity

    1. Let's just say I was blessed Mary! Thank you for stopping by and commenting.
