Thursday, July 25, 2013

Full Moon Rising

Loving is like a full moon rising. You  get a glimpse of the other's spirit.  Goodness glows there.  You are attracted.  Gradually intimacy  increases  baring weaknesses, incompatibilities, red flags.   But challenges and conflicts  pale against the enormity and beauty of Light permeating time and experiences shared with the other.  
 The gift of sight is also a gift of choice.  A full moon rising may be, for some, just another ordinary night.
 For those conscious of their journey,  a full-moon rising is no less than an evening of heart-bursting awe.
Loving is like a full moon rising. 
Link to a full moon rising:
- Ariel Murphy 


  1. Beautiful metaphor, Ariel! I read through it silently and thought to myself 'how poetic'. Then I read it aloud. Absolutely poetic!!

    1. Thank you Paul! Gallantry is alive in Camelot! Yey!

  2. Loving and true intimacy are indeed heart bursting joys. Like a full moon we are blinded by the light, like the moon we go thru phases. I'm grateful that the gift of intimacy is never 'just another night.'

  3. Wow! There's a Mary in "Camelot." Paul is here. Paging Peter! :)

  4. I'm around still m'lady...just on another Crusade right now :-) Loved it!

    1. Shall I give you my handkerchief Sir Peter? Thank you for stopping by! Appreciate it!
