Wednesday, July 3, 2013

People Rise Together

When I heard this song, I thought that the rhythm was catchy and the lyrics uplifting. So I thought of sharing with you the lyrics and  links to videos of two versions of "Rise."

You should believe me
And everything I choose to do
You should believe that I'll
Always come back to you

Life is discovering
The love that we create
Life is a mystery
We need to embrace

In every way
You need to let go
You'll see all your dreams will follow
In every way
You need to let go

People rise together
When they believe in tomorrow
Change the day to forever
This life keeps movin'
(Repeat 2x)

Open your mind and see
We have everything we need
Dream or reality
Fulfill its destiny

In every way
You need to let go
You'll see all your dreams will follow
In every way
You need to let go 


Photo source:

 - Ariel Murphy


  1. Great song - love the video pics in the first one,too & great graphic, Ariel. Namaste m'lady !
