Friday, August 2, 2013

Relocation: A Guest Blog by Mark Shapiro

Human history is filled with examples of people trying to improve their condition by going somewhere else. It seems to be an intrinsically human thing to do. Country folk move to the city, and city people go to the country; all with the same agenda. There is an expression that I’ve enjoyed for many years, “No matter where you go, there you are.” My way of seeing this is that we cannot escape ourselves. I’m not saying that relocation is a bad thing, but that there is, in all likelihood, a hidden agenda lurking in the shadows.

The grass may be greener on the other side of the hill, but will greener grass make me happier or more peaceful? That is the hope and hope is the drug that entices us to invest in a future elsewhere. There is nothing wrong about investing, but be warned; have no expectations! But of course, we do have them anyway.

So this is what it comes down to:  We do what we want or can, but not without a desire to get something for our efforts. If there is an impetus to leave, at least take a moment to examine what it is that looms in this new future that will make things better. Also honestly assess the past to see if there is a pattern of relocation, and if it ever helped. Try to keep in mind that peace always comes from within. This doesn’t mean that if you are in an abusive environment, you should stay and meditate until peace comes. Sometimes it’s necessary to simply ‘get out of Dodge’.

Investment means making a payment now for a return in the future. A wise investor always weighs the costs (risk plus time) against the possible rewards. Depending on the risks (gamble), an assessment is made to see how much pain could be endured should the venture fail. One primary key to happiness follows the same formula: Know your investments before making payments.

Rearranging the furniture may make the room look better, but it’s still the same room and the same furniture.

Photo by Dieter Besier

About Mark Shapiro: Mark was born in Los Angeles in 1948. He lived in California until he moved to Hawaii in 1991, where he currently resides. What happened during this time is of no consequence; the events are only stories. 

When Mark was 8 years old, he liked watching old movies. At 65, he still likes watching old movies. On his 12th birthday, he surfed for the first time. At 13, he learned to play the tuba, which he enjoyed. He no longer plays the tuba but continues to surf. 

Mark was never fond of going to school, until he went to college, where learning was fun. He was one class short of earning his degree in Radio, Television, and Film, but didn’t care because he was working in Public Television. One of the programs he produced was about car repair. He later left television and went back to school to learn auto repair. He set up a business to help people learn about automobile maintenance and diagnosis.

In 1988 he retired because of health issues. He currently drives a 1990 Toyota Corolla Wagon with a 5-speed transmission. It’s the best car he has ever owned. 

- Ariel Murphy


  1. I'd liken what you said to a thick luscious piece of steak. There is much to chew There are many flavors to savor. Relocation can have many nuances. Thank you for sharing your thoughts Mark. This messenger is honored.

  2. My favorite Punatic bumper sticker..."We're here, because we're not all there!"

    My relocation was a self-test. A challenge to myself. To see if I could find a frontier to explore, a homestead to settle. A place to cultivate and plant and nurture and thrive. And what did I find? Myself.

  3. It is Good to see you Honor yourself and not others. I has taken me a little longer to learn that lesson. But I am here, because I am not there! So Grateful that I made it to this side of the planet! Life is Good!

    Thank's Ariel!

  4. I knew a person who rearranged furniture often, she was very good at it and it always looked great. Eventually it turned into a need to relocate. Some places probably are better than others for whatever your needs are at the time. But, truth be told "wherever you go, there you are."
