Monday, September 23, 2013

Feline fascination

As a child I had Whitey, a cat who slept at the foot of my bed. Whitey was my first pet. I  loved him with a child's devotion. One day as my dad was backing out of the driveway, he inadvertently hit Whitey.  Although seriously hurt, Whitey managed to crawl and lay on my lap for the last time before he drew his last breath.

For some reason I was never attracted to another cat after Whitey died until many years later when, as an adult,  I met Splash in Montana.  Weighing at least 20 lbs., Splash somehow developed a liking for me so much so that he would climb on the bed and have  no qualms whatsoever sleeping on top of my stomach.  No doubt, Splash had charmed me.

Yesterday, I met  Blakely, another cat owned by a friend whom I am currently visiting in Oregon.  Blakely was born in Hawaii and relocated to Oregon last year.

Whereas Splash tended to be skittish whenever I tried to take his picture, Blakely seemed to like cameras and was wonderfully cooperative during almost every shot I took of her.

Below are some pictures of Blakely. I love the different expressions on her eyes.

Posted with Aloha!


  1. Man, look at those eyes! Sad about your first cat.

    1. Blakely definitely has killer looks! Thanks for stopping by and commenting Mitchell Hegman!

  2. Beautiful ! Miss all of my 4 cats ... Chablis also loved to sleep on my stomach :-)

    1. And I thought I was special because Splash chose to sleep on my tummy! :) Thanks for commenting Pete!

  3. Nice cat, I hope you are enjoying your visit.
