Wednesday, October 9, 2013

At least wonder!

Ever curious and eager to  know what people think, I recently accepted   an invitation  to join a  Google+ community dedicated to the refutation/discussion of the evolution and Big Bang theories.   Upon joining the community I became concerned about the heated exchanges and the seemingly aggressive call to debate.

Here is a modified version of my first post to the community.  

We all want to know the answers to the mysteries of the universe.  Through science we have come to know more. Yet we do not know enuogh. In fact we only know so much.
We have limited knowledge, capacities and abilities thus making it impossible to claim to know all the answers.  Nobody has a monopoly of the truth. 
How did we come to be here? I say share what you know, sow the seeds and let them thrive or rot. There is no right or wrong answer. We can only think about it or not.  Either we consider the question only a nuisance to our day-to-day concerns or we stop to think and wonder.
Seeds that fall on fallow ground usually mean an imagination tethered by confining boxes and labels of skepticism, dogma, or apathy.
When seeds fall on  fertile ground, our imagination and how we resonate in this world/universe allow us to transcend our limitations, even if only a bit and despite the lack of or the presence of empircal evidence.
But in that particular instance, when we learn something that intuitively and deeply touches both our mind and our spirit, reconciles our many and varying perceptions and beliefs, and enables us to find meaning and sense in our existence and our world, therein lies the beauty of man. We are limited. We are weak. But we  dare reach for the stars, think of the unthinkable, and find our own personal truth while recognizing that we still do not have all the answers.
Seek and be open to wonder!

Image source:

Posted with Aloha!


  1. Aloha Ariel!
    Yeah, you can expect anyone trying to refute the Theory of Evolution to be angry and aggressive because they know the overwhelming weight of evidence is against them - also expect them to be dogmatic and to insist on the unproven validity of esoteric and/or religious writings. Evolution is a Theory in the same sense that Gravity is Theory - the world makes no sense without either.
    Evolution is the critical underpinning, and unifying principle, of Every single one of the modern Life Sciences. None of them make sense with out it. The intellectual rewards of gaining a deeper understanding of evolution will be much greater than pointlessly debating its validity.

  2. It takes two sticks at the right angles to create sparks - or two opposing views spoken by adamantly uncompromising individuals. Either way, the end result is the same- Heat !

  3. The evolution theory was a pathetic attempt to rekindle the slave labor policies for the benefit of wealthy families in England and America, I'm referring to Charles Darwin in particular, who deemed that black skinned people would naturally die off as they were of "pre-modern man" he was not racist In the sense of ignorant hatred because he formulated a scientifically possibility that gave some legitimate foundation for his thoughts regarding the "dying branches" of human evolution. What is frightening in today's scientific community is their soft minded acceptance of this corrupt theory. Almost feverishly working to piece together the big picture painted by Charles Darwin all the while not understanding the truth behind his own intentions and the motivation of the wealthier humans of Charles time. Any serious thought regarding evolution comes to an abrupt halt when you take into account the laws within man's heart, this is easily discovered with the abundance of readily accessible history information in any library or over the internet. What is pitiful about people who want to learn is the tendency to follow the so called leader, like they are the trail blazers into truth, however truth is out side of humans and stands alone not needing any validation from humans for its legitimacy, within human beings there is an unquestionable knowledge of right and wrong this is through out all known history, this has been given to mankind, that truth is confirmed by our own resistance to it, this is only one of many very serious dead ends that the theory of evolution can not answer with out a simple "whitewash" avoidance that there could be a creator who has made the universe and man with inherent laws. I can not write about the plethora of other evidence for creation as I'm not trying to convince any one about the truth like I said it is easily available for anyone who truly needs it. A deeper understanding of evolution? I'm, lol, That's the equivalent of a prisoner on death row having a deeper understanding of the texture of the paint on the walls of his cell.

  4. And I absolutely agree with you Ariel Murphy, sex always sells, because at least one competing partner is driving a hard bargain :)

  5. I am not a scientist nor am I a theologian. My knowledge is limited to what I can only intuit. One thing I have observed is the existence of a universal sense of right and wrong that makes me wonder why and how that universality came about. If I were to attempt to put logic into my observation, I'd say whoever or whatever is responsible for existence must itself/himself/herself posses such sense of right and wrong. Afterall everything created/invented must have an element of the creator/inventor in it. For that reason, I choose to believe that evolution and creation can be reconciled. There is an intelligence/source/God/Universe whose grand design includes the evolution of man, as we know man now, and that the evolution continues. It is not impossible for me to think that another branch of homo sapiens will break away from the rest and evolve/ transform into another form/being that would represent a resolution of man's dual nature, a struggle reflective of the nature of the entire universe. Whether or not what I say are only symptoms of a wild imagination, or are mere illusions, they still serve a purpose for me in my here-and-now. I am able to keep a certain amount of hope in a world where human frailties and folly make it look like humanity is about to self-destruct. And maybe it still will. But I'd like to think that there is still a possibility of an upgrade, wherein evolution will serve to address the dual nature of man. That for me is the only value in getting both "evolutionists" and "creationists" on the table of discussion. From both the "evolutionists" and the "creationists" point of view, what's in it for man?

  6. And yes, sex always sells! :) Maybe because it has been artificially over-valued.

  7. Ariel, your reply is interesting. From that perspective you are wanting to be a peace maker, that's admirable even if based upon a fantasy like vision of mankind's future, please don't interpret that as belittling your view, I say that from an insight derived by research into the origins of the evolution theory, the impact of the theory as implemented by Hitler, of which is unrecognized by most of today's believers in the theory, and I believe deliberately misinterpreted by deceptive half truths by those who want to push a new race into the world. From my 30 years of study into this movement I have found it has roots that go back thousands of years, from the tower of Babel to today this belief that man can achieve a higher form of life is not new at all. As you would be aware the world is being run by money, we would all plunge back 2000years in "living conditions" if a catastrophic world economy collapse were to happen today. The same organizations behind the first and second world wars are manipulating the current economy for the introduction of a completely new electronic economy, this new economy will allow or give them the power to (as they see it) speed up the evolution of man. There is nothing new under the sun, and this is only another attempt by the evil motivation within a few people who by inheritance belong to these secret but powerful organizations, they consider their positions on the earth as clearly more evolved than others. You may think I'm rambling on about conspiracy theories, I'm not. The intended new economy has taken 30 years of foundation work. That foundation is now up and running. The evolution of mankind will be the central theme for it's introduction, having a compelling "selling" point, that those who are committed to evolve should lead the way. Into the new world order, of a crime free world, where no one can hide from the system, there will be no more cash. The people who refuse to enter into this new system will be "diagnosed" as mentally unstable, criminals, outlaws, rebels, untrustworthy, even plotters of evil. And thus their elimination will be seen as justified. That's what the truth of evolution is all about.

    1. One more point. We are being trapped into a cashless economy, slowly but surely. Do you know anyone personally who is introducing this electronic cashless system? Do you know anyone who is all for it and wanting it to happen quicker?

    2. I do not see the sinister scenario you described as out of the realm of possibilities. I see it as part of the duality that exists in us, in the universe. There is a constant battle between good and evil. And I am not discounting the possibility too of. on the other hand, light triumphing over darkness, where flesh is reconciled with spirit, and when peace and love reign. It is said that beliefs are mere illusions. Well, I have this illusion of evolving into a form/state less man and more godly. For now, that "illusion" gives me hope.I appreciate our exchange of thoughts. Thank you and aloha nui loa!

    3. No. I do not know anyone personally who is introducing an electronic cashless system. I've heard of the Illuminati though. And I've seen "Thrive" and "Zeitgeist." All of those +fire-and-brimstone Christian types cast a dark shadow on New Age or Golden Age, or call it what you will. I've ran out of labels :)

      My question is where does love and goodness come in? Do they have a role at all in our future? Or shall we demean ourselves and fight the conspirators and their lackeys an eye-for-an eye?

    4. Love is the purest form of mankind's purpose on earth. Unfortunately there is the "dark side of the picture" my belief is this was overcome at the resurrection of Christ. A completely new man was born out of death into eternal life.

  8. Artificiality overvalued? Nah,,
    I'm the real, extensive deal :)
