Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Choosing our thoughts

What's bad is that I sometimes feel resentful and anxious.
But what's good is that I sometimes manage to catch myself  feeling resentful and fearful.
Before all hell breaks loose and I am consumed by darkness I quickly shift my mind to visions of "raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens brown ... paper packages tied up with strings." (Care to venture a guess where that quote came from)?
I stop seeing people as predatory or a situation as utterly indefensible. Instead, I see the humorous in people's frailty and mine.  I acknowledge the futility of worry. And all becomes well and I'm ready to dance like an idiot again.
Like my late husband often said: "It's all good!"
Thank you God for the gift of wisdom and flexibility.
But must I always work very hard for them?
Talk about choosing our thoughts.
Blessed and blessing!


  1. You're one of my favorite things, Ariel!!

    1. Holly Molly Paul! You got the quote! Yes it is from "My Favorite Things," one of my favorites from "The Sound of Music." Thank you Paul for stoping by and commenting! You are amazing!

    2. Oh and that was "stopping" and not "stoping." Age! Sigh!

  2. You are very good at that Ariel. Be grateful that you recognize the dark presence and awareness is able to shine a positive light. That is one of your 'gifts', a fine quality indeed.

    1. Awwww Mary, you are very kind. I'm tickled pink. Mahalo much! Namaaste!

  3. I need to print this and put it on my mirror! The simplicity of life! Thanks Ariel, we all need to be reminded of this...
