Thursday, January 16, 2014


In Hilo, on the east side of the Big Island of Hawaii, there is a park fronting Hilo Bay called Liliuokalani Park that is frequented by residents and visitors alike.  The Park's attractions include Koi ponds and Japanese gardens.

In one afternoon I spent there I was attracted by the many Banyan trees in the area and decided to take the pictures shown below.

The roots of the Banyan tree are aerial (versus underground) and look like twisted and interestingly textured trunks.

Banyans grow from a host tree which eventually dies and the Banyans take over and flourish.

Out of death,  new life. Nature is truly fascinating.

For more information about Hilo's Liliuokalani park, please click on this link:

For more information about Banyan Trees, please click on this link:

 Posted with Aloha!


  1. Loved the Banyans & there are many everywhere :-) When I'm downtown, I always visit the one in in Kalakaua Park - love the lily pond too :-)

  2. The roots are intriguing! I LIKE things that are "twisted, with interesting textures"!

  3. Great post Ariel. Love the Banyans,too. Love to swing on the aerial roots and the trees are oh so friendly to climb.
