Friday, October 24, 2014

Going with the flow (lava)

Even as  I write this, the lava flow is steadily burning its way downhill. It is projected to go through the town of Pahoa (in the district of Puna) which is directly on the lava's path towards the ocean. The assessment is that if the lava continues to advance  my small Pahoa town could be effectively severed from the city of Hilo -- the biggest town and the capital of the Big Island of Hawaii.

Where it took 30 minutes from my place to Hilo, that same trip will take at least 2.5  hours if the lava continues its procession to the ocean.

It's a rather dismal  situation not to have access to a major center for commerce, government, entertainment, health, etc.  Remember, the Big Island of Hawaii is just that --  an island on the Pacific Ocean. Mainland USA is at least a 5-hour plane ride.  Hilo is a very important city, if only for the east side of the Big Island.  Majority of goods coming from Mainland USA and the other Hawaiian islands are dislodged  in Hilo. Eventually, they find their way on the shelves of stores in Pahoa.

Being cut off from Hilo means, for one, not having ready access to goods and services that we are used to having. Worst case scenario is a minimum 2.5-hour drive one way. And that's not even considering that in long stretches, the road will not be of asphalt but merely graded over hardened un-flattened lava. You will most likely be  doing  15-20 mph.  for several miles.
Many have already taken  lock, stock and barrel and headed to Hilo. Suddenly, rentals in Hilo have become hard to find. 
But there were also many who opted to stay, take pride in their decision, and announce it to the world.

It may not be all bad if the lava crosses the Hilo-Pahoa highway and two of three alternative emergency routes.

We might have to pause, take stock of our possessions and decide on what our priorities are. What do we consider as "valuables" that we want to keep safe?  What conveniences are we willing to forgo with? What kind of life do we want for the rest of our remaining time as humans"? 
Maybe home- and community-based industries and services will mushroom to fill the void created from being cut off from Hilo's economic opportunities.
I would think that neighbors  will be visiting more than they do now, have meaningful relationships, and become more supportive and protective of each other. Maybe  communities will be more tightly knit.
Families will have more time to go camping, fishing, swimming together. Quality time will increase.
There  could be more time and opportunities to connect with the Aina (the land/environment) and everything else it represents.
"Pahoa will be to the Big Island what Hana is to Maui," I could still hear my principal broker, Dana Kenny saying.  
In downtown Pahoa, in front of  Chiroproctor Roy Lozano's  office,  a prominent sign proudly proclaims: "We are staying."
I thought it a beautiful statement of defiance; a refusal to be cowed by fear and uncertainty.
I thought it a beautiful  statement of  trust and faith.; that whatever happens  is all good.

I thought it was simply going with the Flow.

It is Aloha!

Puna resident and artist-photographer Ken Boyer's  "The Ominous Glow of the Pahoa Flow" 10/23/14 at 7:30pm

Photo source:

Lava advancing towards Pahoa town.  Photo

Click on this link to a newspaper article about the Pahoa lava flow:
Posted with Aloha!


  1. Wow Ariel - I really enjoyed this post.

  2. I appreciate the perspectives, Ariel. I suspect you will have more to share as the days go on, and I do hope you share.
