Sunday, April 19, 2015


I was attracted to an article that a Facebook friend had shared on my wall. The article was from about how Chimpanzees in Senegal have been observed to fashion spears out of tree branches.  Apparently the chimps use the spears to kill for food. The article on the website was dated April 15, 2015. Seems to me that after ___ years, the article corroborates what Jane Godall had found out in November of 1960: A chimpanzee was using grass as a tool to trap termites. 

Subsequently Godall discovered that chimpanzees were shaving leaves off tree branches and stems and using them to fish for insects. Until Godall’s discovery, the prevalent thought was that only humans has the intelligence to make tools.

“Now we must redefine tool, redefine man or accept chimpanzees as human,” said famed Anthropologist and Paleontologist  Louis Leakey in a congratulatory telegram to Godall.

Chimpanzees, more than the gorilla and any other animal, are said to be most like us.  Much like humans, chimpanzees have long-term affectionate and supportive relationships.

 National Geographic magazine says this about chimpanzees: “Chimpanzees are our closest living relatives, sharing more than 98 percent of our genetic blueprint. Humans and chimps are also thought to share a common ancestor who lived some four to eight million years ago.

Granting that we do share a common ancestor with the chimpanzees, are the chimpanzees slowly evolving and catching up with us?

Will they, like humans, discover that tools they use for obtaining food can also be used to kill for domination?

Or will they, in full awareness of the dangers of human aggression, ultimately evolve into a species superior to  humans in that they are at all cost supportive of one another, peaceful and loving?
Chimpanzees are an endangered species.  But so are we, humans. 
Unless we can save our mother ship and our fellow men from ourselves, we are in grave danger of annihilation, extinction or both.
For more information about chimpanzees please click on the following links:
Posted with Aloha!


  1. True, that. I have been thinking about the same post you mention ever since I saw it.

  2. I recall other articles and videos that show Chimps can get very violent among themselves. I recall them even killing other Chimpanzees. Another, shared human trait.
