Thursday, April 23, 2015

Photo Gallery: Looking at animals from a different light

I have not seen photos of animals that I could relate to more than those done by British photographer Tim Flach who recently published a book entitled "An Evolving View of Animals."

“How we treat animals is often dependent on how they display characteristics we think are human," said Flach in a New York Times interview.

Flach portrays  animals and other creatures as endearing and dignified instead of repulsive and frightening; amusing and friendly instead of wild and fierce. I could almost see myself  seeing them on the street and greeting them "Aloha."

In a continuing observation of Earth Day, I've posted below some of Flach's photos I found on  Enjoy the portraits of our fellow passengers on Ship Earth. 

I hope that finding commonalities with the creatures  helps us better accept, respect and love them.

Which are your favorites?


Want to know more about Tim Flach? Please click on the following links:

- Posted with Aloha


  1. I love the photographs! Highly original. Something deep inside each subject is revealed. Great Blog!

  2. Thank you Mitch! You are always encouraging!
