Thursday, April 16, 2015

So many Virgins: Just do it!

I was on my favorite Google+ community when someone's post attracted me. The post contained the photo of a man and a quote. I made a version of that post in the graphic shown below.

While I was making the graphic, I thought of adding: No wonder he has so many virgins!


Nope Richard Branson is not a re-incarnated suicide bomber who was promised as many virgins as he wants in heaven if he would blow himself up and take with him as many as he could.    Besides, if this is heaven, then I'm Marilyn Monroe.

The nearest of heaven there is on earth is called Paradise, otherwise known as Hawaii, which Is where I live. And by the way, I'm  a licensed, experienced and very capable realtor. Want to buy a piece of paradise?  I'm your gal.

Now you understand. Somehow, somewhere one's gotta do what one's gotta do to make a living.


I encountered my first Virgin in Paris, 1997.  The multi-story gleaming music store along the Champs d' Elysee just blew my mind.  Many years later I found out that Virgin Paris was called a megastore and the man behind it, Richard Branson.

The next time Richard Branson's name jumped out at me was about two years ago when I was doing some research for a blog. I found out then that  Branson had bankrolled a project to make possible commercial "human spaceflights." His purpose was for Virgin to provide the "Spacelines" for earth.

I was impressed by Branson's boldness considering that the galaxy is what  Starship Enterprise Captain James Kirk calls "the final frontier." For all he know, Branson may just be throwing $$$ down a black hole.

More recently, I learned that Branson may have inadvertently given  Apple's Steve Jobs the idea to create the ipod and iTunes -- two inventions that revolutionized the music industry. Reportedly, Steve Jobs talked to Branson about it. I have no idea if Branson ever shared in any of the royalties that fattened Apple's bottom line.

But I'm not about to delve  into who Sir Richard Branson is.  There is much in cyberspace about him that you can find at your own leisure. I have provided some links below.

For now, I'd say that whatever is on your mind; whatever you hesitate about,   if it passes the 4-way test (link below), if that teeny weeny voice of your intuition bugs you, then dump your doubts and heave your guts.

Links to sites about Richard Branson:
- Posted with Aloha


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love Richard Branson's enthusiasm about EVERYTHING! Great blog.

    1. He is so forward looking. Thanks for the compliment!

  3. Very inspirational. Got a great idea? Get out there and make it real!
