Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Breaking the ice silly: Connect and not collect.

I find it a strange that many of us make friends first on social media even before we actually get to meet those whom we have befriended in person.

I didn't realize that Betsy, a Facebook friend,  was present at a party I went to last weekend. I didn't recognize her. I didn't speak to her. I guess the hostess presumed that friend and I  actually knew each other. And maybe we had met before. I just didn't remember. Besides, I tend to be shy.

It only dawned on me that Betsy was in the party after I saw her change her Facebook profile photo yesterday. I recognized her.

Feeling bad that at the party I had ignored my friend, I bravely messaged her privately.  I stuck my hand out. It was easier taking a risk on social media anyway than in a person-to-person, eyeball-to-eyeball situation.

All that time, I was mindful of what Aylyarys, another Facebook friend, had once said: "Connect and not collect."

I had fun initiating a conversation. I was in a playful mood and apparently so, it seemed, was Betsy. We were both willing to be silly.

Here was how our dialogue started:

Ariel: Hello Betsy. You wee at Jeanne's last Sunday, right? Oh I meant "were" and not wee. lol!

Betsy: Yes wee was. lol!

Ariel: Wish I had talked with you. Didn't know you wee da one. I'm sowee. lol!

Betsy: Wee will know next time.  

Posted with Aloha


  1. Sometimes, being silly--seems to me--is a sign of comfort and ease. No downside there!
