Monday, May 11, 2015

Deliciously audacious

Last weekend was unusually party-filled.   From Thursday to Sunday, live music and friendship filled each day.
Friday night was pretty special.  I went to a going-away party in a very nice 2-story house with high ceilings and a huge deck with a view of the ocean. A live band played on the deck.
The party was in Puna. And everyone knows what they say about people from Puna.  Punatics are supposedly a rather strange lot.  I would prefer to think that Punatics are just pleasantly and refreshingly different.
Take for example a friend whom I saw at the party. 

 My friend Malcolm lives in a Puna subdivision called Orchidland. He breezes about the place in his Moped with his long thick hair flying behind his shoulders and wearing what may as well be the most colorful tie-dyed shirt in the community. On his wrist is a hot pink colored bracelet that  can transform itself into a ruler.

I was happy to see Malcolm at the party. He had on the usual Aloha shirt, which is pretty standard among men in Hawaii to wear to either a dress-up formal or a semi-formal gathering. To go with his Aloha shirt, Malcolm wore a dark colored pair of dress pants.

 Malcolm's shirt and pants may have looked staid, especially since his Aloha shirt was not the colorful kind and cannot be described as "lurid," as a friend from the mainland likes to call Aloha shirts.  Still, Malcolm's attire was a dead giveaway to his being a Punatic. Conformity stopped at his pair of pants.

Malcolm had on a neon orange pair of running shoes.

It was deliciously and outrageously audacious.

And I just love it!

I regret not having taken a picture of Malcolm and his shoes. The photo above is from
Posted with Aloha


  1. Yes indeed. "Malcome" is a genuinely colorful character. Soo happy to know him.

  2. When I dressed like that, my sisters always admonished me! Haha. I love it!
