Friday, May 15, 2015

There is a gold nugget in the yard

The "alien" in my yard I fantasized about in my blog yesterday turned out to be a mushroom. I didn't know what it was but once I shared my blog on social media, I received substantive information from readers. Thank you!

The name of the fungus is Phallus Indusiatus. It has other names like Veiled Lady, Bamboo Mushroom, Basket Stinkhorn, etc. Eaten both fresh and dried, it is a prized delicacy in many Asian countries.  The Thais use it in a soup called Tom Yuea Phai.   It is also an ingredient in Chinese haute cuisine. 

The late Chinese Empress Cixi, who is credited for spurring China to modernity and opening its doors to western influence,  was so fond of the mushroom that large quantities of it had to be scoured from various parts of China  for  a soup especially made for the celebration banquet of Cixi's 60th birthday.

 The Chinese use Phallus Indusiatus  not only as food  but also as medicine. The mushroom is thought to have anti-oxidant and anti-microbial properties. Some say it is also anti-carcinogenic but that has not yet been established.

The lone fungus I featured in yesterday's blog is no longer in my yard.  It has a short lifespan. So before it decays I thought it best to put it on a plate ready to be cooked and eaten. Now if only I can figure out how to best prepare it for the table. Any idea?

I thought that  the fungus was a gold nugget in my yard. I consider finding it as a blessing. I had a blog topic.  I learned something new. And now I'm about to eat something I've never had before.

The Universe is wonderful! I am grateful!

Here is an untouched photo I took of the mushroom ready to be cooked.
For more info about the mushroom please click on the following links:

Posted with Aloha