Friday, March 21, 2014

The thorn on my side

My ride forgot to pick me up.  I was supposed to have gone to  Lava Shack in Pahoa. It is jam night with drummer extraordinaire Bruce as host.  Bruce was supposed to have stopped by for me on his way to Lava Shack. 
I love jam nights. There is no repertoire. Everything is impromptu. Musicians come and go. Strangely, maybe because  they know each other or have even played with each other, they manage to play well together; as if an  amount of practice was made.
Crazed dancer that I am I didn't think twice about going to the gig after I had been assured of a ride. Besides I believe, like I had claimed on the promo poster I made for the gig, that it will be an exceptionally good night for dancing.
But with eyes no longer as sharp as they once were I  dare not brave driving at night, especially in the rain and after a party. So now I'm appropriately garbed, perfumed and coiffured and  stuck in the house; that is, if I look at it that way.
I'm actually loving the way the evening is turning out. With the strains from a lone guitar in the background, here I am typing away. And In a way I'm dancing. Here's that dip in my Tango.
From another view, the sudden change in  my evening  could have been ordained, a blessing. Synchronicity? 
Maybe I was meant to deliver a message, a reminder of  our dual nature and how  each of them is in constant struggle  for supremacy over the other.

 Posted with Aloha!


  1. Your blog elicited all kinds of thoughts, Ariel...the first being the literal source of your 'thorn in my side' comment...2 CORINTHIANS 12, vs 9 & 10...I'll not post it here, but I'm sure the good Catholic girl in you can quote it already!

    Then, after a short meditation on some of the commentary associated with that scripture, images of a blood red rose emerging from a drift of pure white snow began dancing through my brain...
    "It's the one who won't be taken,
    Who cannot seem to give,
    And the soul afraid of dyin'
    That never learns to live." - The Rose, by Amanda McBroom

    And finally, this thought - the mind only knows what the heart tells it...and the heart wants what the heart wants. Don't know who to attribute that quote to, but I'm sure it's someone much wiser than I. Perhaps it's YOU!!

  2. Thanks Mitch! You are always gracious!

  3. "The heart has reasons that reason cannot know. " - Blaise Pascal.

    Love McBroom's quote too.

    It's the one who won't be taken,
    Who cannot seem to give,
    And the soul afraid of dyin'
    That never learns to live."

    Anam Cara, you're a faithful knight! Love you!

  4. Beautiful! I actually look forward to being alone. I'm a bit like Paul. This for some reason made me connect with you, as if I were enjoying something bad I turned around, with the divine help of a wise God, and was given the gift of "me time" =)

  5. Bull's eye! The Universe is full of surprises. Sometimes what may seem like an adversity turns out to be a blessing! Aloha and thank you for your comment "The Happy Idiot." I think HAPPY is the operational word! :)

  6. So happy that you are living life by letting your spirit lead your mind/ego.
    That is making the two become one, and transferring and transforming you to live in His kingdom.
    Keep it up sister!
