Monday, March 17, 2014

Very Irish!

Yesterday was an early commemoration of St. Patrick’s Day,  perhaps the most famous  Irish of all time.
Celebration was not just merely the usual fresh corned beef, boiled cabbage and  a shot of two of Jameson’s Irish Whiskey  chased by several bottles of Guinness-- all so unmistakably Irish
There was also very good music by very good musicians.  My good friend and versatile musician and drummer extraordinaire Bruce David  threw a small party  at his recording studio and showed off his most recent recording of original music.  Holly Molly! A two-man band (one of whom was a left-handed keyboard player/bass guitarist) sounded like a four-man band. I danced. Very Irish!
Taking a break from dancing,  I watched the  highly powerful, multi-metaphorical movie – the Hunger Games. for the first time on Bruce’s big-screen TV. And there it was – a message loud and clear: the only way to win the hunger game is through love.

Love -- very Druid-like. Truly Irish!
 I should know. After all, I'm a Murphy
I’m Irish
(By infusion).
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!  Here's an Irish blessing for you. 

Image source:
Below is a music video of a song, entitled "Deep in the Meadow," from  "Hunger Games."
 Posted with Aloha!


  1. I think you were born with an Irish default setting!

  2. Faith & Begorra Ariel Murphy!
    May the road rise up to meet you.
    May the wind be always at your back.
    May the sun shine warm on your face
    May the rain fall soft on your fields.
    And until we meet again,
    May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

  3. Very nice Ariel, a lovely pre-St. Patty's day. Enjoy more of the same today. When is Bruce showing part two?

    1. I'll be sure to let you know when Bruce tells me, Mary. A happy St. Patty's day to you too!
